Originally uploaded by moemoechi.
The very first tulip that bloomed in my veranda, i think the other day.
I just able to take a look with some of my shots, and this one caught my attention. The center looks like a performer singing like the one I use to hear from the church ....
I like this song because we could sing this both in english and in japanese.
Majesty, worship His Majesty,
Unto Jesus, be all glory honor and praise
Majesty worship, His Majesty, Jesus who died now glorified , King of all Kings
Want to share the Japanese Version
Kami no kohitsuji Iesu ni Eikou to iki oito
Chie to chikara to to mito Homareto sanbi o sasageyou
Ten no euci bi nuza bi naebu
Minna hirefushiagameyou
Tenchi no subeteno tamiyo
Jujikano miwazao tataeyo