Saturday, July 12, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Rest (休む)
Originally uploaded by moemoechi.
Rest (休み)
About the Picture (写真の事)
The pink star shaped pillow is my daughter’s. But I love the comfort of it, and I am the one using it during bedtime.
The medicine tablets are for my migraine.
I admit, I am guilty of not resting, and abusing myself. And God’s commandment proves to be true not just because it is a law but it is for our sake, for my sake. And even God rested. So I should.
My heavenly lesson. (天からの学び)
How many of us are too busy to take at least one day rest?
I honestly admit, I am one. Not just because of my job, not just because of my children, and not just because of household works but also because of my own personal pleasures.
Here I am working everyday, trying to do all households chores, support and attend my children's school's and sports activities, and here I am having too many hobbies. And if you are a working mother like me, you probably know very much how hard it is to take balance of all these things.
Speaking of balancing all these things, we could also include all the tedious and hectic schedules that anyone can be affected by pressures and stresses. We should also add the spices of life, like the emotional affections, emotional moods, and all the unseen forces that contributes our moods、and feelings. And to sum it all, rest is important.
I believe, a rest at least once a week is very important. Logically, Sundays are red, and reds are holidays. Biblically, one of the commandments, honor the Sabbath day. And Sabbath day believes as a rest day from all works and a day just to praise God and give proper attention to spiritual nourishment.
Even robots and machines needs recharging, refilling. Human being cannot be recharge like those machines. Rest is the only way to refresh. Even God rested after He worked on creation for six days and rested on the seventh day.
Resting includes not only the physical body. Heart and soul also needs rest. And as a Christian the only way to rest heart and soul is only through the help of the Holy Spirit in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Suggested Physical Rest
1. Proper sleep. Sleep early, rise early. At least 6 to 8 hours a day. More or less are no good.
2. Balance meal. Too much is not good.
3. Plenty of Water.
4. Exercise. Walking is the best.
Emotional Rest
Nothing can beat a happy memory with love ones.
Spiritual Rest
1. Worship songs.
2. Bible
3. Praying
4. fellowship with God
These are just suggestions. I could share a lot of sites that was so helpful to me. But it will make me stay longer and miss resting again.