Sunday, June 15, 2008

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Heart Betrayal

Had you ever experienced a feeling that you was not been trusted? You was not directly been betrayed but that was how you felt?
信じてくれなかったきもち経験した事ありますか? はっきりうらぎりされたことのかたちじゃないけど、でもそのきもちになりました。
After all the things that you had shared many things in common, shared same visions, experienced, and faith, but still you was not been trusted? And here you felt heart betrayal. If you had experienced it, you know that it felt like you was been broked up to a much loved boyfriend or a girlfriend.
たくさんな思い出をいしょうにできたのに、同じ夢や喜びや悲しみや信仰、それでも、信じてくれなかった。 チャンスまたくもらいなかった。 それで”心のうらぎり”をされたきもちになってきました。恋人とわかれたようなつらさ。
Yes, I know the feeling so much. I was been into such kind of situation. To be emotional are just but a natural thing. But in my case, the scripture was deeply planted inside my heart. And it helped me so much to control my feelings. And bringing all these things into prayer, gives a great healing.
そのきもちあたしはりかいできます。 同じような事あったのです。いるんな感情を持つのは人間としてありまえ。でもあたしにとって、聖書のみ言葉あたしの心の中にふかくうまってます。それのおかげで自分の感情どやってコントロールするのはできました。そして、お祈りにもてきて、すばらしいやしはめだされる。
And I am so thankful that I experienced such kind of a feeling. Because now, I can see more the little joys that surrounds me. Those little joys, I onced ignored. And I understand how God disciplines in many kinds of situations, that sometimes made us asking God, "why?"
Like the joy that I have here in my present job. I am now on the 5th year working here. But the second thought of looking for a much high paying job is always here with me. There were really points of my life that I almost gave up this job and go for another job.
今の仕事の幸せもよく感じてます。この仕事で五年間ぐらいたってました。 何度も違う仕事探すと思ったけど、やめる事はできなかった。
But now, I am really so thankful to God for giving me this job. I started working in this place since my two children were still on their kinder days . So expect that I have a lot of absents, and cutting working hours just to came home early.
But in spite of that, they give me a job in which the final responsibility almost lies upon me. And by realizing that, I am receiving proper trust, after all my incapabilities to work on proper hours and longer hours. And my joy overflowed that moment I realized that, where I am now is a great blessing from above.

Thank You Lord.
deleted here the green board picture
not allowed to display

this board is my prime assignment

