Saturday, March 29, 2008

Blooming Heart ~~ 咲いている心

Blooming Heart

When the world looks beautiful,
It's because you are thankful,
And when the world looks that bad,
It's because your heart is sad.

Whatever you do with an empty heart,
Life is meaningless and always depressed,
But for a heart who’s blooming,
Every day’s like spring.

To a heart of a Christian,
Jesus is there, now and then,
He has the faith, hope and love,
A special gift from Heaven above.

Let Jesus rules, inside our hearts,
Let the Holy Spirit's gifts,
Flows like river unto our souls,
And let us bloom like those flowers.



咲いている心 ~~ の日本語です。(日本語へた~~ぴ~~です~がまんしてね!)





Friday, March 28, 2008

Hanged on the Cross



Once the cross was a horrible sign,
It's a sign of horror and in vain,
A sinful soul that was cursed
Was hanged on the tree to death

Everyone that was cursed,
On the cross was hanged,
So when everyone look on a cross,
Cursed and deaths came on memories.

Destined to be hanged
But there came the Holy One
Too Holy to be cursed.

But this Holy One
Too holy to be cursed
Took our place
Hanged on the cross.

Now the cross is a message of salvation
On the cross the Father's love shown
Love us so much to let His Son hang on the cross,
A holy sacrifice for us to be freed from the curse.

Now, when everyone looks on the cross
It's not sin, death and curse inside the memories
But it is where Jesus Christ nailed to death

And shed His blood to wash our sins away.
Once, the cross, a fearful sign of curse,
Now in Christ Jesus no more.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

home made breads (reflecting the last supper)手作りパン( 最後の晩餐 を思い出しながら)

home made breads (reflecting the last supper)
Originally uploaded by moemoechi.

home made breads (reflecting the last supper) 手作りパン( 最後の晩餐 を思い出しながら)

Baking breads made me reflect about the thoughts of the Last supper.
PASSOVER LAST SUPPER (Thursday) Mt 26:17-30; Mk 14:12-26; Lk 22:7-23; Jn 13:1-30
In an upper room Jesus prepared both himself and his disciples for his death. He gave the Passover meal a new meaning. The loaf of bread and cup of wine represented his body soon to be sacrificed and his blood soon to be shed. And so he instituted the "Lord's Supper." After singing a hymn they went to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed in agony, knowing what lay ahead for him.

my daugther made all the mixing and and shapes of this bread, and i just assisted her with the ingredients and heating the oven।


Uploaded by moemoechi on 20 Mar 08, 9.41PM JST.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

愛は大事... and I understand the importance of love

Challenges. That is the key word that evolved in my life since the start of this year 2008.

I learned to be a mature one, overcoming the pain of loosing a challenge. The pain I have is nothing as I focused to Jesus Christ. Pains are just here but soon will be gone. The healing peace of God is real. Very real.

I learned how precious and important the Love of God. As how Jesus comprised all the commandments to the commandment of love.

I see clearly how a word with love and a word without love differs. A very short word but full of love, can save a heart. A very good advice, with full of rightful Bible teachings but without love, cannot save a soul, but instead it can make a heart draw away from God, especially if a person is not yet a mature Christian.

A help given with love and a help given without love is different, from those who receives the help. A help given with love, makes those who need the help a total feeling of rescue, and thanksgiving, while a help given without love, even they received the help, they can't have the feeling of comfort, and will not totally enjoy the help they received.

And it is the same in sharing the gospel. No matter how you preach the gospel, but when there is no love, people's heart can't hardly be touch। God is love. God is Spirit. Without the move of the Holy Spirit, God's love is not there .

But anything with the move of the Spirit, there must be the presence of God's love.

I will end up here for a while. I know I have to check out my grammar. Bear with me please. My Japanese translation is not good as well, i need some help in here..

ャレンジ。 あたしの2008の人生のはじまりのキーワード。チャンス。 


つらかった。でもそごくかんしゃしてます。 ものそごい大雪な事をまなべました。 あたしはいっぽ大人になりました、その負けた時の痛みはのりこえることを出来ました。 このいたみはどうでもいい、イエス様をみつめるだけだったらば、どうでもいい。 痛みはここにあるけど、でもすぐにきえるでしょう。 


愛をかんじられる助けと愛を感じられないたすけ、助けられてる人たちにたいして、 大きいなちがいがあります。 愛をかんじられるたすけ、ほんとにかんしゃなきもちがわいてくる、安心なきもちがあります。しあわせがあり。 愛を感じられないたすけ、助けをむらても、不安のままです。きつかうきもち。たすけられても、しあわせがない。

ゴスペルをおしる時にもおなじ。いくら神様の教えでんどうしても、愛がかんじられないと、人の心あまりおごかない。 神は愛。神は霊。  聖霊のはたらきないと神の愛も、ながれてない。どんな事をやっても、聖霊の働きあれば、神様の愛、かならずかんじられます。
