Friday, January 26, 2007

Pray for Japan

Pray for Japan
Originally uploaded by moemoechi.

Group of different Missionaries and Evangelical Missionaries published this for intercessory prayer.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Nobody really is perfect.This church against church. This doctrine against this doctrine. I am on this group and you are on that group. This is what I believe and that is yours.

Everyone lives in different way of thinking, belief, and yet everyone were just trying to follow the golden rule in which they choosed to believe.

But I believe in Jesus Christ. I don't care what kind of religion you have, and which denomination you belong, as long as JESUS CHRIST is OUR SAVIOUR.

And for all of our differences, each of us were just trying to obey, follow, battle, and move forward inspite of all the bombs on our ways. We maybe a great pastor, a priest, a very decent person, an elite bachelor, rich or poor, or just a simple human being. No one is perfect. Everyone falls. Everyone sins.

But by the golden rule of love ~~~ every sin is forgiven, every shortfalls were understood, whatever your color, you can be love, and to be love.
The Heavenly Father showed how He love us by giving us His only begotten Son, and this Son leaving all His glory to be crucified for our salvation.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Why Christ In Japan?

Why Christ in Japan?

He is the reason, why I am still standing until now. I live here in Japan, and only 1% are Christian. Spiritually, my souls cries out in agony living in this place.

It's a tough battle living in here. Imagine that I am one of those 1%. So here is my cry !!!!!!!!

Christ in Japan === salvation for Japan!

January 7 - my Son's Birthday

My son, Naito turned 6. Although we celebrated his birthday in advance, we still made a private family celebration.

A prayer was also been given to him during the worship service.

And my prayer, as well that he grows up with fear in God, and God's protection be with him.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Welcome Year 2007!!!

Thanks God! I finally made my way retrieving this blog of mine, that I lost for almost century. The thoughts of keeping a regular blog was always been on the back of my mind. Year 2006 is a real busy year for me, with lots of happenings, events, and spiritual ups and downs.

I gave up keeping and updating an old html process of my own home page Everlasting Life. I've been thinking for long if it is wise for me to get a free add account, but I am not yet ready to make the heavy work of updating it.

I also gave up my active participation on yahoo Christian groups. It's impossible for me to read too many teachings, accommodating over 100 email per day, and to read and wait for the responses to my posts, or no responses at all, perhaps nobody read it, just like this blog of mine? LOL. I also gave up my own yahoo group. I can't keep a regular management of it, and many of my old friends, and members there were all missing online.

Instead of yahoo group type, I found Forum type are the best ways to communicate and easy to browse. You open and leave a topic, and can be back there so easy, even you've been away from the web for a quiet long period of time. It is so easy to dig. My favorite Forum online is for the Filipino group living in Japan the Timog Forum, I'd already met new friends in there in person.

My latest found hobby? Photography. I am a real novice in this field. But I am really enjoying my Flickr account. At first, I just enjoyed browsing the site, and got fascinated with so many beautiful shots in there, especially my flickr friends' shots. They really amazed me, with their wonderful shots. Then, one of my friends there, paid my flickr account as a wonderful birthday present. And the history begun. At this present time, I'm hooked to Flickr.

moemoechi. Get yours at

But I feel so guilty with my spiritual life. I felt that I am overdoing my Flickr browsing. With my very limited time to use for the cyber world, I used it all to Flickr, and extending my time to the limit, that I sacrifice managing home chores, and my Spiritual nourishment, as well as my children. Instead of staying awake at night praying and intercessory, as I used to do, I stay late at night awake in front of my computer. Oh! my dear Lord, please heal me. I need back my control.

japan time